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Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet I love muffin sweet. Jujubes fruitcake muffin brownie wafer candy canes wafer jelly-o carrot cake. Bonbon topping cupcake liquorice chocolate bar tart topping.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet I love muffin sweet. Jujubes fruitcake muffin brownie wafer candy canes wafer jelly-o carrot cake. Bonbon topping cupcake liquorice chocolate bar tart topping.

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All The Fall Things : A 3-Day Boston North Shore Girls Getaway

The Boston North Shore area is nothing short of enchanting any time of the year, but it’s even more magical in the fall. Once the sun has set on summer, you might not think of this spot for a getaway – but it’s the perfect setting for an autumn trip dripping with charm. Read our Fall 3 Day Salem, Gloucester, Rockport Itinerary below!

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